
Ep. 13: Chris Thorn

In the first of my conversations with actors starring in Icarus and Aria, I talk to Chris Thorn, who plays Jimmy Jones Junior. Chris was in a number of Inverse plays between 2006 and 2012. A true scholar of theater and force of nature on the stage, it’s always fascinating to talk to Chris about…

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Ep. 12: Talking with John Gideon – Part 2

Check out my second conversation with composer/musician, John Gideon. We cover the second half of our initial years of theatrical collaboration (we are currently in a new round of collaborations focused on audio plays). Gideon (as most of us call him) is always thoughtful, meticulous, and intensely passionate about his compositions, and the quality of…

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Ep. 11: Hank Wagner

Here he is – Hank Wagner. I’ve known Hank since 1996 when he was cast as Dick Skills in Want’s Unwished Work and delivered a performance that blew the LES wide open. Since then he’s been Johnny Freeman (The American Revolution), Coyote (Midnight Brainwash Revival), Syms (On The Origin of Darwin), and countless other roles….

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Ep. 10: Daniel Martin Berkey – Part 3

This episode of Inverse Theater Podcast wraps up my conversations with Daniel Martin Berkey, the actor who performs and is the inspiration for our first audio play, Remission. We hear about the experiences depicted in the latter third of the play, including his escape from schizophrenia, all laced with the usual brilliant frenzied fervor that…

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Ep. 9: Josh Spafford – Second Session

Here’s the second half of my conversation with actor/director Joshua Spafford. We chat about his work on some of the later Inverse plays, a few of the amazing actors he worked with in those productions, and the projects he directed and how we decided to have him do that. Always great to hear from this…

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Icarus and Aria

In early 2019, when playwright Kirk Wood Bromley was diagnosed with cancer, his fans and collaborators came together to fund and record three of his plays, one of which was Icarus and Aria, an “upgraded Romeo and Juliet” that was originally performed under the dramatory of Aaron Beall at the first New York International Fringe…

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Ep. 8: Mick O’Brien

I’m excited to share my conversation with actor Mick O’Brien in this episode of the Inverse Theater Podcast. Mick has been in numerous Inverse shows and has always turned in a stellar performance. He’s a thoughtful, thorough, diverse, and dare I say “literary” actor whose sparkling facility with language is as good as it gets….

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Ep. 7: Daniel Martin Berkey – Part 2

My conversation with Daniel Martin Berkey, the performer and inspiration for Remission, continues. We work our way through the middle section of the audioplay version, which includes discussions about how acting muted yet exacerbated the voices in his head, the experience of feeling parts of his body fly off, his eventual commitment to a psych…

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Ep. 6: Howard Thoresen – Part 2

This is part 2 of my conversation with Howard Thoresen. We hear more about his experiences and thoughts from decades of acting, directing, zen, yoga, and theater. I love Howard and have learned so much from him. Any actor who’s ever worked with Howard knows what a joy it is. Thank you, Howard, for all…

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Ep. 5: Bob Laine

Episode 5 of the Inverse Theater Podcast features Bob Laine. Bob has the distinction (probably) of being in more Inverse plays than any actor and (with strong competition from Mick O’Brien) of being the most “book perfect” actor we’ve ever worked with. A long-time poet, forensics champion, and now art gallery owner, Bob is a…

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Ep. 4: Daniel Martin Berkey – Part 1

This is the first of three episodes featuring Daniel Martin Berkey, the actor who performed Remission and about whom it was written. Dan and I talk about the genesis of the play, then we move our way through the text, discussing the incidents depicted therein and Dan’s journey into and out of schizophrenia. Dan is…

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Ep. 3: Talking with John Gideon – Part 1

In this week’s episode of the Inverse Theater Podcast, I talk with composer and musician John Gideon. Gideon, as we all call him, has been the music to my plays for two decades, and we have much more work on the way. He’s not only an incredible songwriter, but he’s equally amazing at sitting in…

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Ep. 2: Joshua Spafford – Part 1

I talk with actor, director, photographer, and Inverse founder, Joshua Spafford. We hear about how he came to theater, how we met at an audition on the Lower East Side at Nada, his early performances in my plays, and his thoughts about theater in general. Josh is a true theater legend. Listen here, or on Apple…

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Ep. 1: A Chat with Howard Thoresen – Part 1

I talk with actor, director, friend, Inverse stalwart, yogi and light of love, Howard Thoresen, about his experience in the theater, his work on my plays, and the connections between yoga and theater. Listen here, or on Spotify or Apple Podcasts.

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“Dazl, aka The Cradle Robber Within” takes place in a small town theater somewhere in America. As the audience assembles, Cuzn, the playwright/producer, notices an old friend, Corny Moot, sitting in the corner looking rather despondent. Inquiring as to his mood, Cuzn discovers that Corny’s strapped a large duffel bag full of bombs to his chest…

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This is a full recording of Daniel Martin Berkey performing the play Remission, which Backstage magazine called “mind-blowing” and NYTheater called “90 intense and harrowing minutes of spectacular wordplay.” Written by playwright Kirk Wood Bromley (“Shakespeare on mushrooms”—LA Weekly), produced by NYC’s Inverse Theater (“Best Downtown Theater Company”—NYPress 2001), scored by John Gideon, and originally…

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Smoke the New Cigarette

Inverse Theater and The New York International Fringe Festival FringeNYC / A Production of The Present Company give you… Smoke the New Cigarette a freeform chamber punk explosion @ the Bowery Poetry Club Tickets & Info: Showtimes: August Fri 12 @ 6:45; Sat 13 @ 7; Fri 19 @ 2; Sun 21 @ 12;…

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Be Story Free

Inverse Theater, Dr. Jip Syuzhet and the Be Story Free® Brigade present… Be Story Free® The World’s First and Only “Story Addiction” Destruction Seminar FREE to all who sincerely desire to rid themselves of the EVILS of STORY! Thursday – Saturday, May 12 – 14 and May 19 – 21 7 pm at The Home…

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It Was A Setup

August 2012 @ The Home Of in BK, NY Take a front row seat in the living room of Charise and Tim and watch their household disintegrate into your lap in this inaugural production of extreme domestic theater in NYC’s newest, most unique performance space – more real than reality, more intimate than your own…

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Cycatrix Adaptitude

While travelling in Bucharest, Bromley stumbled across a troupe of Romanian performers whose “party plays” are legendary in the back-alley bars of the Balkan capital. Now, in collaboration with Meistro Stelian Virgiliu Vasilica’s Cel Mal Bun Teatru Fiecare, he’s bringing the English version to America for a Tour of NYC so you can meld with…

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REMISSION FringeNYC 2009 Excellence Award Winner – Outstanding Solo Show “Further than terrifying. Further than disturbing. Further than uncomfortable.” – TheFabMarquee “Early on in this intense 90 minute solo show (written and directed by Kirk Bromley) performer Dan Berkey makes hand-to-hand contact with most of the people in the audience. That moment of connection is…

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Your beautiful presence is most humbly requested at Inverse Theater’s new show being presented in association with The Access Theater! it has no (en)title(ment) it is at the Access Theater Loft Space (380 Broadway, 4th floor, Manhattan) it is at 8 pm, Wed – Sat, January 7, 8, 9, and 10, 2008 it is FREE!!!…

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“The most important new American play of the season.” – “Genius…as stimulating visually as it is intellectually…the banter, reflection, and fantasy in his text possess all the vitality and zaniness of 120 actors.” – “Immensely imaginative.” – Soho Think Tank presents Me A new musical Produced by Inverse Theater Book/lyrics by Kirk…

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No More Pretending

No More Pretending aka The Return of Indiebot A debatable manifesto on the econo-pathics of one-way exchange A play by Kirk Wood Bromley Directed by Howard Thoresen Performed by Matt Oberg, Al Benditt, Meg MacCary @ The Chelsea Puppet Loft 139 W. 17th Street, #4A November 3 – 8 pm | November 4 – 8…

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Three Dollar Bill

Three Dollar Bill consists of three short plays on being queer and conservative. This curious cultural convergence, so baffling to many, nonetheless exists. 25% of all “out” homosexuals voted for George W. Bush in 2004. Organizations such as Log Cabin Republicans and the Human Rights Fund are home to many gay conservatives. Finally, Mary Cheney’s…

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The Bangers’ Flopera

Inverse Theater Company will present The Banger’s Flopera – A Musical Perversion at The Village Theatre, 158 Bleecker at Thompson and will begin Sunday, August 14th. This will be Inverse’s much-awaited return to fringeNYC after its show, Lost – The Musical (“The Best Musical in the Fringe” – Time Out NY) was the only production…

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On the Origin of Darwin

One Tony Winner, one Obie Winner, and the “Best Downtown Theater Company” (New York Press – 2001) join forces for… On the Origin of Darwin The story of how a young naturalist’s experiences on the Voyage of the Beagle fostered the greatest scientific theory ever discovered. Produced by Inverse Theater Company Written by Kirk Wood…

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Lost – A Musical

The First Inverse Theater Musical! Lost Part of The New York International Fringe Festival August 9th Through August 25th, 2003 Inverse Theater will present Lost, a new musical loosely based on the Hansel and Gretel story. Performances will begin on August 9th, and will continue through August 25th at the New York International Fringe Festival…

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Co-produced by Joshua Berg and Inverse, directed by Rob Urbinati, and written by Kirk Wood Bromley, SYNDROME is a play about a man who is “perfectly normal” – except for his Tourette Syndrome, Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder, Obsessive Compulsive behavior, and Bipolar personality traits. Through the course of an evening at home, we are given a…

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The Death of Don Flagrante Delicto

The Death of Don Flagrante Delicto aka A Gesturology of Morals By Kirk Wood Bromley Directed by Howard Thoresen / produced by Chad Gracia / sets by Reid Farrington lights by Morgan von Prelle Pecelli / costumes by Karen Flood / music by Jessica Grace Wing props by Andrew Theodorou / management by Carolyn Jones,…

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