KIRK WOOD BROMLEY is a verse playwright, poet, theater writer, musician, New Dramatists playwright, Artistic Director of Inverse Theater Company, former co-curator of The Home Of, a performance space in beautiful Gowanus, Brooklyn, and current resident of The Wrong Mountain Yurt in southern Arizona. As a playwright he has been compared to Shakespeare by six publications (New York Magazine, LA Weekly, Time Out New York, The Cleveland Scene, NYTheatre.com and OffOffOff.com), with OffOffOff.com saying “for at least a taste of what it must have been like to see Shakespeare in his own time, you couldn’t do better than Kirk Wood Bromley” and the LA Weekly calling him “Shakespeare on mushrooms.” His plays have been produced extensively in NYC, as well as by Fools Fury Theater (San Francisco), Sacred Fools (Los Angeles), Bad Epitaph (Cleveland), Arizona OnStage (Tucson), Los Angeles Community College, Wesleyan University, and Kenyon College, as well as in London. Bromley or his productions have won numerous awards, including Best Downtown Theater Company (NY Press 2001), The Berrilla Kerr Foundation Playwriting Award (2001), Best Music/Lyrics (NY Int’l Fringe Festival 2002), Excellence in Playwriting (NY Int’l Fringe Festival 2003), the first ever Caffe Cino Award (NY Innovative Theater Awards 2005), “Top Three Musicals” (American Theater Web 2005), Outstanding New Musical (Talkin’ Broadway 2005) and Outstanding Solo Show (NY Int’l Fringe Festival 2009). Bromley has taught or given seminars on playwriting at Stanford University, SUNY-Purchase, The National Book Foundation Summer Writer’s Camp at Bard College at Simon’s Rock, Monroe College (Bronx, NY), and Trinity School (NYC). His writings on theater have been featured at theatermania.com, nytheater.com, and Backstage. Midnight Brainwash Revival was anthologized in “Plays and Playwrights for the New Millennium,” published by the NY Theater Experience, and all his plays can be downloaded for free at https://newdramatists.org/kirk-wood-bromley. More about him can be found at kirkwoodbromley.com.