Welcome to Inverse Theater. This site is an archive for our past productions, a hub for our ongoing Podcast, and a place to find out about future happenings.
You can download Bromley plays for free here: https://newdramatists.org/kirk-wood-bromley
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From left: Julie Lund, Jesse Atlas, Al Benditt, Darius Stone, Joshua Spafford, Billie James, Hank Wagner
Directed by Howard Thoresen / produced by Chad Gracia / sets by Reid Farrington
lights by Morgan von Prelle Pecelli / costumes by Karen Flood / music by Jessica Grace Wing
props by Andrew Theodorou / management by Carolyn Jones, Jessica Madri and Liza Frank
Cast: Jesse Atlas, Alan Benditt, Tommy Diaz*, Alexandra Farkas, Kathleen Hunt*, Billie James*, Russell G. Jones*,
Bob Laine, Julie Lund*, Melanie Martinez, Matt Oberg*, Dave Shalansky, Joshua Spafford, Darius Stone*, Hank Wagner.
* Appear courtesy of Actors’ Equity / An Equity Approved Showcase